Installing and Repairing Solar Panels


Humanity has always needed a steady supply of energy, and many forms of power have been used from steam-driven turbines to power plants to cutting-edge solar panels and wind farms. Today, there is widespread concern about the pollution caused by fossil fuel-powered power plants, but no one can afford to simply shut down those plants without a replacement. There is an ever-growing need for power, so solar energy is promising to provide that energy as needed. Today’s solar panel installer companies can set up these solar panels nearly anywhere, and solar panels can collect a great quantity of solar power and convert it into electricity, pollution-free. These devices are hardware like any other, so their shortcomings are factored into their construction and care. For example, backup batteries for solar power systems may be used during energy-hungry nights for a house or commercial building, and such batteries are recharged during the day. In other cases, solar panel repair may be required. When is it time for solar panel repair? How might it be done?

Caring For Solar Panels

Many American houses and commercial buildings have solar panels on their roofs, and contractors are hired to install them correctly. But sometimes, those solar panels might suffer from damage, such as if hail falls on them or if tree branches fall on them. If this happens, their coating may become cracked. In other cases, damaged stock solar panels might be recovered and put to use, but they will need some care first. If solar panels are damaged, a homeowner is advised to contact local repair experts, and these experts may be found online with a search such as “solar panel repair company near me”. This search may be narrowed down with the client’s home city/state, ZIP code, or even street address.

Often, solar panel repair means fixing the damaged glass on them, and that calls for epoxy. If necessary, the solar panel glass may first be cleaned off with rubbing alcohol and rags, and then the mending process may begin. For example, specialized epoxies for solar panels can be mixed thoroughly, and this may take some time, but it will result in an effective epoxy mix. The exact ratio of mixed materials may vary.

The next step is relatively simple: pour the epoxy all over the damaged solar panel, being sure to cover all damaged areas but not allowing any epoxy to drip or seep over the edge. The epoxy should be given a few hours to set and harden, and the smooth, waterproof surface will be able to last as long as the panel itself can. In many cases, this could be 20 years or more.

Why Install Solar Panels

It takes some expense and effort to have solar panels installed on the roof of a house or a commercial building, but more and more Americans are seeing the appeal. For one, solar panel use means that the building is disconnected from the power grid, so there is no more electric bill and the solar panels will pay for themselves over time. In fact, in some cases, excess power may be sent to the local power plant for a modest profit. Expert crews can be hired to install these panels and their support brackets, and once inspectors approve everything, the panels are ready for work.

What is more, solar panels do not ever pollute, and in fact they produce no byproducts at all, no matter how much energy they produce. This satisfies the global “go green” movement, which calls for a reduction in pollution of all kinds, especially air pollution (such as from power plants). The air is polluted by other means such as cars, too, but phasing out fossil fuel power plants as a viable step to take in most cases. In fact, many developing regions in the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa, are seeing a lot of solar panel installation, bypassing fossil fuel plants entirely. In many cases, these solar panels are providing electricity to communities for the first time, pollution-free.

Solar panels can be built on a small scale, as explained above, or on a massive scale. Arrays of hundreds or even thousands of arrays can be built to power entire city blocks or neighborhoods at time.