Your home should protect you. Not put you in danger.
Unfortunately, American homes are boasting some of the highest incidents of hazardous exposure in history. Not only is indoor air pollution an estimated three times worse than outdoor air pollution, radon gas is a difficult-to-spot element that can seriously harm you and your family. Testing for radon is as simple as reaching out to a Denver radon testing establishment and asking for a check-up. This will not just determine the amount of radon your home is being exposed to, but whether or not you should invest in a local sump pump excavation. Failing to do so could expose you and your loved ones to breathing difficulties, lung cancer or worse.
Learn more about the dangers of radon by reading below. Radon testing may be the only element standing between your family and lung cancer.
What Contributes To Indoor Air Pollution?
The phenomenon of indoor air pollution is one that only gets worse with each passing day. The accumulation of chemicals beneath your roof eventually results in a toxic breathing environment that doesn’t just rival, but exceeds the chemicals you can find outside. These include a build-up of dust, mold, household cleaning chemicals, dander, pollen, dirt and rust. As of today it’s estimated one out of every 15 homes in the United States boast radon levels either at or above the EPA’s recommended level of exposure.
What Is Radon Gas?
Radon gas is a dangerous chemical that can lead to long-term health effects if not reduced. Unlike more conventional notions concerning gas exposure radon is notable for being impossible to detect without the aid of a radon gas testing kit. It has no odor, no taste and no color, meaning you and your family could be breathing it in without being any the wiser. A radon gas removal system works thoroughly to identify the substance as well as filter it in a way that no longer poses any danger.
Where Does Radon Gas Come From?
Unlike many household chemicals contributing to indoor air pollution, radon gas is a naturally occurring element in nature that is brought to the surface through constant digging. Radon mitigation companies are very keen on making sure the levels of exposure brought to families and pets is as low as possible. The risk of lung cancer can increase in your own home by 15% or more per 100 Bq/m increase in long-term exposure. Short-term detectors and long-term detectors can determine the length of time your home has been struggling with the effects of radon gas.
What Are The Side-Effects Of Radon Gas Exposure?
Exposure to radon gas can seriously impact your physical health. Lung cancer deaths are the most well-known side-effect of constant radon gas exposure, that of which could be reduced significantly with a radon mitigation and abatement service. Scientists have estimated deaths from lung cancer could be reduced by up to 4% per year with the aid of radon testing and inspection. According to studies provided by the U.S. EPA, nearly one in three homes across seven states and three Indian lands tested positive for screening levels above 4 pCi/L. Testing for radon is done through a few different ways.
How Can I Make Sure My Home Is Safe From Radon?
The only way to ensure your safety is to start testing for radon. Since radon is without flavor, odor, smell or color it is completely impossible to identify without the aid of advanced equipment. A radon gas removal system does the job of both figuring out your home’s radon levels as well as going through the gradual process of removing it from the environment. Passive systems of mitigation have been found to reduce indoor radon levels by an impressive 50%. When this is paired with radon ventilation fans? This percentage can be even higher.
Testing for radon can take just a few days. Keep you and your family safe by reaching out to a radon gas removal service in your area.