In almost every factor of life, many are attempting to become more environmentally friendly. The eco friendly movement is important, and has reached almost every major industry, from fashion to — yes — flooring. Both clients that are looking for residential flooring and those that seek commercial flooring are interested in environmentally friendly options. However, many are confused about where to begin. What is eco friendly flooring, and what is the difference between the quality between new types of flooring versus traditional flooring products?
A common misconception of environmentally friendly flooring is that it somehow less durable, or perhaps not as cost-effective as traditional flooring. While some eco-friendly materials may be initially more expensive than traditional flooring products, they usually end up reflecting the investment in the long term. For that matter, eco friendly flooring is often made from readily available materials like eucalyptus and bamboo, producing not only durable floors, but aesthetically pleasing ones as well. Below, we’re going to look into flooring made from eucalyptus and bamboo, as well as what sets it apart from traditional flooring materials.
Renewable Resources: The Availability of Flooring Made From Eucalyptus and Bamboo Trees
Unlike traditional flooring, which is often sourced from diminishing resources, flooring made from eucalyptus and bamboo trees is readily renewable. In fact, bamboo trees mature in just three to five years, making it relatively easy to source. These trees are also comparatively easy to grow, and bamboo in particular is almost comparable to weeds in the sense that it grows quite rapidly and is very hardy. Fargesia bamboo in particular averages about one to three feet in height per year, giving plenty of stock that flooring companies can source from. Phyllostachys bamboo, the type most commonly used for flooring, grows even more, about three to five feet per year.
Durability: The Strength of Eucalyptus and Bamboo Flooring
As previously mentioned, some find themselves compared about the hardness of flooring made from eucalyptus and bamboo compared to traditional flooring. Natural bamboo flooring and eucalyptus flooring can be measured through the Janka test. The Janka test measured the force required to embed an 11.28 millimeter steel ball into wood half its diameter, and can be applied to a number of different types of flooring. While there are admittedly a number of different types of bamboo flooring, solid strand bamboo flooring is three times harder than oak flooring. In fact, strand woven eucalyptus and bamboo flooring lots are typically between the 3,000 and 4,000 Janka range. Usually, the range for strand woven eucalyptus and bamboo flooring reaches beyond 3,800. This allows those who invest in this type of flooring to have a product that is both environmentally friendly and remarkable durable.
Flexibility: Refinishing And Environmentally Friendly Flooring
Understdandably, flooring is often changing. No matter how durable a type of flooring may be, over time it will change in appearance. For that matter, a lot of people eventually want their floors refinished as a type of maintenance. A floor’s ability to withstand the refinishing or remodeling process, without being entirely replaced, factors into its overall value. Most floors can only be refinished a finite number of times — in fact, some cannot be refinished more than once. Fortunately, strand woven solid bamboo floors can be finished between two and four times. Of course, engineered bamboo floors usually max out at around two refinishings — meaning that it’s important to take this into consideration when deciding what type of bamboo flooring is right for you.
Ultimately, the type of flooring a person chooses is a matter of both practical needs and personal taste. No one wants to sacrifice a certain look when choosing flooring — however, many traditional types of flooring don’t stand the test of time, and degrade over the years while also yielding a negative impact on the environment. Why risk regretting your flooring? Environmentally friendly options marry great aesthetics with durability, ultimately yielding long-lasting results that look fantastic!