Six days before Christmas is not when you want to be looking for a plumber to come to the house. And while it could be even worse if you needed to call a plumber on Christmas Day, finding a plumber on a Sunday, during a snow storm, less than a week before Christmas. Unfortunately, however, water line repair needs do not for a convenient time.
Whether you are looking for a commercial plumber for drain repair or you are looking for residential plumbing needs like garbage disposal work, it is important to find a reputable contractor. In fact, if you work with a plumber who is not skilled you can end up with bigger problems that you started with. Simply unclogging a toilet or clearing a garbage disposal line, for instance, is not going to solve the problem if the issue is actually with a bigger problem that requires a water line repair.
Nothing is more important than finding the best contractor for any home repair needs. In the area of plumbing, however, finding a knowledgable contractor is essential. Unfound problems can make a small leak into a major water damage issue that causes extensive damage to a home or business. As the cold weather and freezing temperatures arrive this weekend throughout much of the northern part of the U.S., the danger of freezing pipes and the resulting water leaks are a real threat. Finding someone who is good at both residential problems and major water line repair needs can mean that you will be able to find the real source of the problem.
In addition to finding the most qualified plumber, consider these other statistics about water use and some of the most common plumbing needs:
- 38% of the water usage of an average American home is for flushing toilets.
- A simple leaky faucet can fill an eight ounce glass in just 15 minutes. Left unfixed, it can waste 180 gallons of water a month, which is the same as 2,160 gallons a year.
- 1.6 million Americans still did not have indoor plumbing as of 2014.
- 18,000 gallons of water a year can be saved by installing a low-flush toilet.
- 125 degrees Fahrenheit is the hottest a hot water heater should ever be set. The danger in setting it any higher is that you might actually burn your skin. In fact, water at 140 degrees Fahrenheit would take just seconds before burning your skin.
- 3 years is the average amount of time a person spends in the bathroom in a lifetime.