From residential door replacement to window replacement services, home renovations and upgrades are common in households all throughout the entirety of the United States. In fact, as many as two thirds of all households in this country are currently in the process of making home renovations or are planning one in the near future. And there are many reasons to make a home improvement, such as a residential door replacement, in your home. Not only can you improve the overall appearance of your home, you can actually save money in the long run, both in terms of energy as well as by improving the total value of your home if and when you ever decide to put in on the market and up for sale.
Residential door replacement is a type of home renovation that is functional as well as fashionable (depending on the type of residential door replacement that you choose) as as much as thirty eight percent of heat loss actually occurs through your doors as well as your windows. Residential door replacement can help to mitigate this heat loss, thus improving the amount of energy that needs to be expended in order to keep your home warm (which is, of course, particularly important if you live in areas of the United States where very cold – even frigid – winters are very much the norm).
Aside from residential door replacement, residential window replacement can also be hugely beneficial when it comes to saving both energy and energy costs. If you currently have a system of single paned windows in your home, it is all too likely that you are losing a great deal of energy through them, with the amount of energy that is lost increasing by as much as fifty percent. They also are very poor at preventing noise from coming into your home, which can be hugely detrimental to your enjoyment of your space especially if you live in an area of the country that is densely populated or even relatively densely populated.
Fortunately, aside from residential door replacement, the replacement of your current windows with energy efficient windows can be hugely beneficial and can save you a great deal of money. Your energy bills can even become lowered by as much as fifteen percent and are not likely to be lowered by anything less than seven percent. If you keep your drafty windows and do not replace them, you are potentially increasing your heating bills by as much as one full quarter, an entire twenty five percent.
If you are truly trying to save a great deal of energy, you can even take it a step further from residential door replacement and even residential window replacement. Certain types of landscaping, such as the planting of large trees strategically on your property, have been found to actually reduce your energy costs for the shade and insulating effect that they provide your home. In fact, simply providing shade to as many windows in your home as possible through the use of strategically placed landscaping can reduce the energy output of your air conditioner or even your central air conditioning system by as much as fifty percent, a hugely astronomical amount that you’ll be grateful for when you get your next energy bill. Of course, replacement windows and doors are likely to have a bigger impact than just landscaping alone, but all three together can make a big change in the amount of money that you’re parting with on even just a monthly basis. Even sliding door replacement can help to make a change in the energy that you expend.
In today’s day and age, saving money can be difficult. In fact, sometimes you even need to spend money before you can really save it, as is the case for residential door replacement and residential window replacement here in the United States. In the long run, though, it is well worth it – and can even increase the value of your home, incredibly ideal if you are looking to sell the home at any point in the near future here in the United States of America.