The fact is that nearly all Americans depend on fuel in some aspect of their lives. But different types of fuel have different requirements, and different standards. The fact is that we don’t know as much about the types of fuel we work with as we should. Fuel can be a difficult thing to understand, even if it’s one of the most common types of fuel in the United States: propane. Propane is used for a variety of different reasons. But perhaps one of the fields that needs propane the most is that of architects and contractors. With so much construction involved in this fields of business, they need reliable propane services that won’t fail them. Construction propane service is constantly-needed, but at the same time tends to fly under the radar in terms of public consciousness. With that being said, let’s look into how construction propane services work. Once you have a better understanding of this service, you’ll be able to better understand fuel in general, and why its concerns are so valuable to these powerful and important industries. The point is that whether you’re simply cooking with gas or using a construction propane service, you shouldn’t dismiss this versatile and cost efficient fuel.
Propane: The Basic Facts
Despite the fact that propane is so commonly-used, there is a good chance that you don’t understand what it is or how it works — in the same way that people may not understand how petroleum works. You may be familiar with the smell of propane, which is distinct and instantly detected. This is not in fact an inherent characteristic of the fuel. Although propane is not a natural gas — and is therefore odorless — it has odor added to it. Propane is colorless and non-toxic. Atmospherically pressurized, it also usually is at a temperature around -44 degrees Fahrenheit. It exists as both as a liquid and a gas, adding to its overall versatility. Propane has been used by more than 9 million American families for furnaces, water heaters, stove tops, outdoor grills, fireplaces, generators, and other appliances. It’s not only cost-efficient, but efficient in general and reliable as well. Over 660,000 farmers use propane for irrigation pumps, grain dryers, standby generators, and farm equipment. This fuel is essential for crop drying, flame cultivation, fruit ripening, space and water heating, and even food refrigeration. If everyone else depends on propane so much, it’s understandable why construction propane service is so valuable. The fact is that few industries can now work without propane — and many households can’t do without it anymore.
The Common Uses Of Propane
There are many different uses for propane. We’ve discussed a few above, but there is much more to propane than what might initially meet the eye. Commercial restaurants, Laundromats, or hotels may use propane for everything from heating to cooking and drying clothes. Industrial sites — like those you might find in the architecture and contracting industries — have different needs. It’s believed that over 350,000 industrial sites use propane for space heating, brazing, soldering, cutting, heat treating, annealing, vulcanizing, and much more. Petrochemical uses, on the other hand, include the manufacturing of plastics.
Why Use Propane Over Other Fuels?
There are many great advantages too using propane over other fuels. Perhaps chief among them is the fuel efficiency associated with propane. About 90% of the propane in the U.S. is produced domestically. Of the remaining supply, 70% is imported from Canada and Mexico. Equal amounts of propane, approximately, come from the refining of crude oil and from natural gas processing. Therefore, it’s readily available and secure. At the same time, it’s also known to be much more beneficial to the environment than other types of fuel.
Now that you understand the many benefits and applications of propane, perhaps you better understand too why it is utilizing by contractors. This is a substance of great value and little cost. The more it is utilized, the better.