Many people who own their own homes have no idea of the dangers lurking in their home that are from radon gas. It is an odorless, colorless and tasteless substance that can cause deadly diseases such as cancer. There are a number of ways radon gas enters a home. Whether a sump pump excavation has been done or if it has been able to get in through cracks in the foundation, if you have not had radon testing and inspections done in your home, you mat be exposing your family to this deadly gas.
Radon gas is not a man made substance. As uranium breaks down, radon has is released. It is most often found to be in igneous rocks and in the soil around the world. Form time to time, it can be found in well water. One reason sump pump excavations can cause problems with radon is because it is so prevalent in soil and water.
Physically, radon exists are one single atom. This makes it different from other gases such as oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The small size of the radon particles means that it can get into many materials, including leathers, paints, paper, sheetrock, concrete and plastics. It is very water soluble and can dissolve easily into organic materials. In some stats, this gas is considered to be inert. Radon-222 is not inert and is a member of the chain of radioactive materials that is formed when uranium decays. One problem with radon is that it can combine with small dust particles to be easily inhaled by people and pets.
The problems with radon has were not fully understood until 1984. In Pennsylvania, a worker in a nuclear power plant developed radiation contamination. The worker’s health problems were not found to be related to his work but was directly related to radon that was found in his home. This is the first time scientists saw a connection between radon in homes and problems with health.
Since then, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Surgeon Generalandrsquo;s office have done extensive studies on radon gas and its impact on human health. They have determined that exposure to radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, just after exposure to tobacco products. They have estimated that nearly 20,000 people die from lung cancer that was caused by this exposure to radon every year. Some research has shown that as many as one in every three homes has radon levels hat are high enough to warrant some attentions. Researchers looked at homes in seven states and three different Indian reservations.
When homeowners are concerned about radon gas in their home, they need to contract with a residential radon testing services company to check the level. When testing is done in under 90 days, it is considered to be short term radon testing. Long term radon testing looks at the levels as they exist in a home in a time frame of three moths or more.
A home’s foundation is often the source of the radon in a home. There can be cracks in the foundation that allow radon gas from the soil to seep into the home. If a sump pump excavation has been completed, this can be the way the radon makes its way into a house. Experts in sump pump excavation and radon testing do say that areas of a home that are most likely to floor or are vulnerable to water accumulation are the most dangerous for radon gas.
There are ways to get radon out of the home and to keep as much of it out as possible. The first thing homeowners need to do is seal up any cracks in the home’s foundation. If you have a basement and that becomes flooded, you may need to have a sump pump installation done. Care needs to be taken by you and the sump pump installation contractor to have a way to seal up the opening to prevent excessive amounts of radon gas from entering your home.
There are other ways to deal with high radon levels. Contracting with a local, reputable radon mitigation and abatement service can make your home safe.