If you want to ensure the safe and effective growth of your trees and shrubs, then deep root fertilization is the best way to make sure that happens. Most deep root fertilization products contain IBA, which is a root grown enhancer that stimulates the development of young plants while also reducing seedling death rates. Adding IBA and vitamin B1 encourages a 30% greater growth in most plants and 50% more growth in hardwood trees. If you want to support your trees with roots fertilizer, here’s everything you need to know to get started.
Calling a Professional is Always an Option
If you don’t have the time and patience to do your own deep root fertilization, or if you have too many trees to treat manually, commercial landscapers could be the right choice for you. They have high-powered equipment that can quickly get food for rooting plants to the places it needs to go. They can also test your soil (in order to absorb phosphorus, which plants great need, the soil pH needs to be between 6.5 and 6.8) and help you fix any underlying problems.
Do it Yourself: Step One
Assuming you’d rather do deep root fertilization of your trees on your own, your first step is getting the right fertilizer for root growth. Look for products that will help to rebuild the soil nutrient levels in your property, containing the right balance of nutrients for your trees. All plants need six basic nutrients. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen can all be obtained from the air, but plants rely on their soil and water to get phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Slow release liquid fertilizers are ideal and get enough to fill each of your holes with a half gallon of fertilizer.
Do it Yourself: Step Two
Once you have your fertilizer, make sure you gather all the other items you’ll need to complete the project. This includes a power auger or drains spad and protective glasses and protective gloves for yourself.
Do it Yourself: Step Three
Use a drain spade or a power auger to dig narrow holes all around your trees. They should be a couple feet apart (two to three feet is ideal) and about a foot away from the base of the tree. The holes should be 8 to 12 feet deep.
Do it Yourself: Step Four
Fill each of the holes with about a half gallon of your fertilizer. Once the soil has absorbed the fertilizer, refill each hole.
Deep root fertilization will enhance your tree growth by providing nutrients and enhancing your soil. If you’re interested in improving the look, growth rate, and health of your trees, look into getting some plant root stimulator and giving them the boost they need.