Are you in need of a foundation repair contractor? Keep experiencing problems with your foundation? Maybe this information will help you find an answer!
If you find yourself lucky enough to be living in Texas, you will obviously have already noticed that Texas is an incredibly large place. With the larger borders comes with a few problems in the department of soil which Texas has over 60 of. Giving a call for a soil analysis before you drop your down is a sure fire way of avoiding another call to a foundation repair contractor.
Why would that matter? Well, soil is fickle. Some soil is far better for building on. Ever try to build a sand castle using dry sand? It does not do the job well. Texas just so happens to be full of large volumes of clay deposits. Clay does not play well with extreme climate changes. Texas citizens can experience cold winters and hot, dry summers one year and the next year experience cold winters but wet and cool summers. What this equates to is expanding and contracting clay soils that cause major damage to your foundation or foundation failure altogether.
So you would like to avoid problems? Every foundation comes with its own set of problems. However, weather and location are crucial to temper your decision on the right foundation. By simply researching your location, you might even find that some foundations over less drawbacks in certain situations, lessening or preventing issues down the road.
For example, are you experiencing floods and heavy rains or plan on moving to a location with the aforementioned weather? Pier and beam, alternatively known as post and beam, is great for that kind of weather because of its elevation. A crawl space, alternatively known as a sub-floor, is built with the foundation. This technique lessens the unwelcomed flood waters and moisture. The sub-floor is typically built with plywood and runs as thin as one and a half inches. The location of the beams go as far as 12 feet apart. The location of the joints are usually built 18 inches apart from another joint.
If you insist on living in a location that experiences dry spells, like Texas, then an invaluable tool is a soaker hose. Heat tends to sap moisture from foundations. This causes serious damage over time in the form of deterioration. If you already have a slab foundation, you might be experiencing this now; you may wish to speak with a foundation repair contractor before it is too late. This is especially true if your home was also built in the past 50 years because most Texas houses built since have mostly been built with slab foundations. Place your soaker 12 to 18 inches from your home and when it gets real dry, water your foundation.