Sometimes The Biggest Danger Come From The Smallest Of Places How To Choose Health-Focused Paints


Your home’s safety is never a guarantee. It’s something you have to cultivate yourself through regular research and constant double-checking.

When even the varnish on your floorboards can harbor dangerous chemicals, it pays to be proactive. Make this the year you become cautious about the products you buy, particularly if you have children with sensitive constitutions or pets in the home. There are quite a few health-focused paints out there that can give you the best of both worlds. Are you calculating paint coverage for a new home project? What about choosing the best paint for a porch that’s seen better days?

Knowledge is power. Learn the most important terms below so you can buy the best health-focused paints on the market.

What Are Some Facts About Today’s Unsafe Paints?

You’re not just being paranoid. There’s a lot to keep in mind when buying new environmentally friendly spray paint, from the company you’re choosing to the chemicals on the side of the bottle. Many people today struggle with allergies and chemical sensitivities, both of which can get worse when you choose the wrong gloss varnish. A report by CBC Marketplace found VOC levels over 500 ppb can cause problems for people with chemical sensitivities. This is such a widespread problem that a study by the Survey Research Institute found 60% of travelers would choose one hotel over the other based on allergen-friendly rooms.

What Is Chemical Sensitivity?

A very frustrating reality for many adults and children out there is chemical sensitivity. Just what it says on the tin, this condition is characterized by extreme reactions to common chemicals. It can look much like an allergy attack, with symptoms ranging from runny noses, watering eyes, itching, congestion, and difficulty breathing. According to Sweden’s illuminating Dampness In Buildings And Health study, children with multiple allergic symptoms will have twice the likelihood of developing more sensitivities with PGE-exposure. Arming yourself with knowledge now will save you a lot of worry down the road.

What Are VOCs?

Let’s start off with the most prominent term. VOC is short for ‘volatile organic compound’, used to refer to a set of chemicals and ingredients used in many of today’s appliances. While some people can interact with these and not show any adverse health effects, there is a significant chunk of the population that is negatively impacted. In fact, the influence of VOC in many of our color matching paints and floor paints might be stronger than we realize. A recent study saw participants spending six full work days in an environmentally controlled environment at the TIEQ lab in the Syracuse Center Of Excellence — cognitive scores were 100% higher than in conventional workspaces with higher VOC levels.

What Is PGE?

Not unlike VOCs, PGEs are yet more elements to be aware of when shopping for basic supplies. Contrary to popular belief, indoor air pollution is often worse than outdoor air pollution. Recent studies have shown levels of several organics average two to five times higher indoors than outdoors, able to cause health problems when inhaled on a regular basis. The same Dampness In Buildings And Health study saw children with bedroom PGE concentrations in the top 25% having a 100% higher likelihood of having asthma. At the end of the day, health-focused paints can eliminate many of our common home concerns.

Which Deck Paint And Anti Slip Paint Should I Buy?

You’re wondering how to choose the best anti slip paint or exterior porch paint. Should you go for the most affordable brand or the safest? As the above studies show, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Reducing the amount of VOCs and PGEs in your home will go a long way to curb chemical sensitivity, keep allergens at bay, and improve your productivity. Rest easy knowing that flooring more than one year old often has no more VOCs, as many of the chemicals tend to dissipate over time.

Create a safer home. Choose health-focused paints that reduce harmful VOC and PGE exposure.