Moving is likely one of the most significant events in most people’s lives. It rarely matters whether someone is moving down the street or across the globe. Change is difficult for some, even the smallest of changes. And moving is quite a big change. If you have concerns about your upcoming move and are having a difficult time getting them to subside, try these techniques.
First, envision yourself actually moving. Think of the excitement of packing up your possessions, taking time to admire beautiful collectibles and reminisce over old photos. Concentrate on the positive things that will come out of the move, like having a clean home, uncovering things you forgot you ever owned and finally getting rid of stuff you have not wanted for quite some time. Wash any negative thoughts away immediately as soon as they enter your brain.
Second, tell everyone you know you are moving. It probably will elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from sadness over someone who says they will miss you to excitement over someone wishing they were in your enviable position. You will gain perspective when you discuss your move with friends, with neighbors and even with co-workers. They inevitably will share their own moving horror stories and great experiences, so delight in their excitement over your move. It could help get you pumped for it.
Third, plan ahead. Whether you are moving a month from now or six months from now, start today. Look into hiring a mover, start packing up boxes with stuff you rarely use and print out a check list that you can handily place on your refrigerator as a constant reminder of the things you have left to accomplish prior to the move. Check things off as they are completed, and you will all of a sudden have a sense of accomplishment, which can inevitably lead to a happier experience.
Fourth, talk it out. If your move involves more than just you, discuss your concerns with your spouse, significant other, roommate or family members. See how they can assist you in making the move a better one for you. And if you have some real concerns that are keeping you up at night, consider talking with a therapist. It can be deemed temporary because it is situational, so a therapist can help you visualize your move and the positive elements of it right up until moving day.