It required taking out another loan, but the roof and the siding of the house are finally fixed.
Never inexpensive, home repairs are an essential part of being a home owner. Roofs that are left with missing shingles and siding that is damaged by moisture and mold can lead to bigger problems that are even more expensive to fix. The smartest home owners do what is takes to repair problems when they occur, in spite of the cost.
Roofing Companies Offer Many Products That Have Low Maintenance and Long Warranties
Whether you are a buyer preparing to build a new home or you are a current home owner considering repairs or a new roof, roofing companies have many options. Offering a variety of price ranges roofing companies often install several different roofing product. Some of the most popular are the new composite shingle products that require virtually no maintenance and come with warranties that are 50 to 100 years in length.
Sometimes roofing choices are limited by the covenants of a sub division or community. In some parts of the country, For example, metal roofs may be the best and most affordable and products that roofing contractors offer in one part of the country, but those same roofing materials may not even be allowed in another cities or neighborhoods.
In the process of repairing or replacing a roof, many home owners also consider gutter replacement as well. In fact, some of the newest gutter materials are also low maintenance and withstand high winds and cold temperatures. Residential roofing companies will often include gutter repair or replacement in the bids that they present to potential customers.
Installing New Siding Is a Major Investment That Many Home Owners Make
Even more expensive than roofing, the installation of new siding in an investment that structurally protects the rest of the home as well as improves the appearance of a home. The newest siding materials come are made of composite products that only need to be painted once every 110 to 15 years. Some cement board siding, for instance, holds paint infinitely better than older inferior products.
Just as roofing improvements include attention to gutters, siding improvements must include attention to windows. In fact, with properly installed flashing and caulking, siding installation can lead to leaks that can cause expensive damage.
Residential Contractors Provide a Variety of Services and Products
Currently, over 50,000 businesses are engaged in the installation of roofing, siding, and sheet metal work. These contractors are kept busy completing projects or the home owners across the country who indicate that they will spend between 1% and 4% of a home?s value a year on maintenance and repairs. And while the initial repairs may be minimal, they tend to increase as the house ages.
When it comes to roofs, gutters, windows, and siding, nearly 88% of home owners in most regions of the country see the exterior of their homes as one entity, not a sum of its separate parts. Even if the costs require home owners to take out additional loans, major repairs like roofs and siding need to be repaired as soon as possible. Failing to fix small problems can lead to larger more expensive repairs further down the line. Fortunately, most of the major repairs that home owners have to make add to the value of a home. So while the cost of repair may be expensive, these repairs avoid more damage and increase the value of a property.