When you’re looking for a roofing company, you should make sure that you find a reputable company. Roofs are expensive, so you should expect to get good results for the money you’re spending. The preimer roofing company will provide all of the materials for you. You should not try to purchase roof shingles in order to save money or try to provide any other supplies. Not only will this throw off the process, but you can’t get the same deals a roofing company can. These companies often have connections where they can buy shingles and other materials wholesale. You’ll end up spending more money if you try to buy your own.
A good roofing company can also help you decide which would be the best shingles for your roof. There are many different options and some are better than others. However, you’ll have to decide based on your budget and your home’s needs. If you’re unsure what to do, talk to your roofer. They can help you weigh the pros and cons of each type, then choose one.
Selecting a company to work on your roof is very important. Unfortunately, there are roofing contractors out there that are trying to scam you.
Like this roofing scam, according to WFLA, where a Tampa man scammed more than 100 people.
“He was a despicable low life scum,” said Pamela Beynon, whose roof still has serious damage to it more than three years after Carlton Dewayne Dunko scammed her.
Dunko pleaded guilty to a massive roof and insurance fraud scam that was first discovered by an investigation nearly two years ago.
“I couldn’t be happier,” Beynon added, “other than getting a new roof.”
Dunko’s fraudulent company, NBRC Construction LLC, scammed more than 100 homeowners across the Tampa Bay area promising to fix their roofs and storm drains along with their insurance costs.
Dunko and his partner, Frank Martin Pureber, both received 21 months in prison along with 10 years of probation and restitution penalties amounting to approximately $632,000.
“We know he’s lived like a millionaire for the last couple years,” said Joe Ziegler, who was scammed by Dunko, “I presume he’s not sorry.”
“Now he’s going to have it hard like a lot of the families he stole from,” said Sarah Fava, who was forced to live under tarp for months after she was scammed.
It’s extremely important to do your research before hiring the best commercial roofing company you come across before you make a decision. There are far too many similar stories out there that involve scamming. Sometimes, business owners are scammed on purpose and sometimes the scam takes place because the contractor submitted a false bid that overpromised a service that could not be completed. Simply by doing an online search, verifying if the company is real or not, and talking to experienced professionals, you can avoid some of the issues Dunko’s victims had. If you have any concerns about a roofing company and its abilities, it’s best to continue your research until you find a company that has a reliable reputation and great customer service reviews, especially those with reviews concerning customer service after the job is complete.
It is wise to look for any sort of review online or in the newspaper involving any company you plan on hiring. A company with no reviews certainly should stir up some red flags, but also be aware of a company with only positive reviews. Too much positivity often seems fake and could be a sign of a scam. Call anyone who claims to have done business with that particular company if you are still skeptical and always be careful with your money.
It’s also important to make sure the roofer you choose is capable of handling the job you have planned. For instance, if you are interested in asphalt roof shingles manufacturers or architecture roof systems, you will want to make sure that the roofing contractors you choose are capable of that type of project. Many times, contractors will overestimate their ability to complete some projects, which leads to going over budget or not staying on schedule because they have scheduled too many other jobs at the same time. In some situations, contractors will abandon these jobs altogether, which leads to business owners being stuck with an unfinished roof and being in need of another contractor.
There are so many fraudulent companies “working” in the home renovation industry. Be careful! Do your research and take your time choosing the best commercial roofing company for your project.
Find out more about this topic here. Good references here.
Commercial roof types, Grand rapids roofers, Gutter installation

Selecting a company to work on your roof is very important. Unfortunately there are roofing companies out there that are trying to scam you.
Like this roofing scam, according to WFLA, where a Tampa man scammed more than 100 people.
“He was a despicable low life scum,” said Pamela Beynon, whose roof still has serious damage to it more than three years after Carlton Dewayne Dunko scammed her.
Dunko pleaded guilty to a massive roof and insurance fraud scam that was first discovered by an investigation nearly two years ago.
“I couldn’t be happier,” Beynon added, “other than getting a new roof.”
Dunko’s fraudelent company, NBRC Construction LLC, scammed more than 100 homeowners across the Tampa Bay area promising to fix their roofs and storm drains along with their insurance costs.
Dunko and his partner, Frank Martin Pureber, both received 21 months in prison along with 10 years of probation and restitution penalties amounting to approximately $632,000.
“We know he’s lived like a millionaire for the last couple years,” said Joe Ziegler, who was scammed by Dunko, “I presume he’s not sorry.”
“Now he’s going to have it hard like a lot of the families he stole from,” said Sarah Fava, who was forced to live under tarp for months after she was scammed.
It’s extremely important to research on every single commercial roofing company you come across before you make a decision. There are far too many similar stories out there that involve scamming. Simply by doing an online search, verifying if the company is real or not, and talking to experienced professionals, you can avoid some of these issues that Dunko’s victims had.
It is wise to look for any sort of review online or in the newspaper involving any company you plan on hiring. A company with no reviews certainly should stir up some red flags but also be aware of a company with only positive reviews. Too much positivity often seems fake and could be a sign of a scam. Call anyone who claims to have had business done with that particular company if you are still skeptical and always be careful with your money.
There are so many fraudulent companies “working” in the home renovation industry. Be careful!
Find out more about this topic here. Good references here.