Are You Tired of Fighting With Your Lawn? Why Natural Lawn Care Could Save You Thousands


Natural lawncare

There are more than 30 million gardeners across America, and recent studies show that homeowners are more curious than ever about safer lawn care and green lawn care. Citing extensive evidence that harsh chemicals can leach into fruits and vegetables, gardeners are beginning to take matters into their own hands. We have spent millions of dollars as a nation to rid ourselves of life-threatening lead paint inside of our homes: it’s time to take that can-do attitude outside – literally.

There really is no “downside” to safer lawn care. Do your dogs have continuing health problems that you can’t quite put your finger on? Are your outdoor cats feeling under the weather, no matter how often you change their food? The startling truth is that your pets may be reacting to chemicals in the ground outside. Safer lawn care, or cat and dog friendly lawn care, must start with the elimination of pesticides from gardens and lawns.

Extensive use of pesticides could be killing trees and poisoning fruits and vegetables, experts say. Safer lawn care experts can help homeowners find alternate methods of pest control as well as hardy and ornamental grasses that can give a new, more natural look to struggling lawns. Another method of bringing back a healthy soil pH is the addition of hundreds of worms to compost heaps and to gardens: this method of gardening is referred to as “vermiculture.” Worms digest organic material even more quickly than traditional compost bins, experts report.

Vermiculture may be a familiar topic for American composting enthusiasts. Composting refers to the process by which gardeners gather their families’ organic waste: vegetable trimmings, fruit peels, and other non-dairy, non-meat waste materials. Put these scraps into a small bin full of worms, and the worms will help break down organic waste into usable soil. Vermiculture experts note that worm farms can be small enough to fit onto an urban balcony. As long as the box is sheltered from the elements, the worms’ motion and digestive processes generate enough heat to break down organic waste as well as excess leaves and grass.

The reason that some homeowners resort to using chemicals on their lawns is that they are either not growing the right grass for the soil, which makes lawns look sparse, or that overuse of harsh chemicals has ruined the soil for any and all cultivars. To regain a healthy lawn, homeowners are advised to cut out chemicals from their lawn care regimens. In some areas of the country, homeowners choose to xeriscape, or to garden with cactus and succulents. Of course, cactus responds much better to lawn care routines that do not include harsh chemical elements. In general, gardening experts recommend removing all chemicals from lawn care routines because the chemicals tend to create problems for pets and owners alike.

Eco friendly lawn care, often referred to as green lawn care, can be established with the help of organic lawn care professionals. Incorporating compost and vermiculture boxes onto the property is an excellent step towards better lawn health: some homeowners also establish honeycombs on their property to attract migrating bees and to harvest honey. Having bees on the property can also help homeowners regain a vibrant ecosystem on their properties. There are also flowers that attract butterflies, and homeowners can landscape with this in mind.

Natural lawn care often uses less water and, of course, fewer chemicals than traditional lawn care. Maintaining safe lawn care protocols is important for both residential and commercial properties, and business owners often report surprise at the amount of water they save by converting to natural lawn care systems. Trying to keep a species of grass alive that is not native to the area remains a major reason that even the best-watered lawns can fail: taking the time to imagine a more healthy, vibrant environment can be the first step toward a truly enjoyable backyard.