The Importance Of Lighting In Your Home And Beyond


Light is an essential to modern life – and has been for quite some time, at that. For many people, lighting and electricity are absolute essentials for life, providing them with a source of light in even the darkest of winter months – which would seem surely even more endless without it. And it’s not just our homes that benefit from lighting.

Public spaces often rely on lighting methods for high intensity illumination as well. In fact, from street lamps to parking lots – which are typically illuminated in some capacity all hours of the day, as is actually required by law in many parts of this country – the needs for illumination in the outside world are tremendous, amounting for more than 15% of the energy usage of commercial buildings. In homes, on the other hand, lighting usage accounts for only just over 10% of all energy usage – though this is still quite the significant percentage, to stay the least. This means that more than 20% of all electricity generated in this country alone is used for nothing but lighting and lighting alone.

But there are a number of reasons that traditional lighting solutions are not necessarily the most ideal. For one thing, they certainly do waste a good deal of energy. This is far from cost effective, of course, but it is also far from ideal for the environment as well. Cutting down on energy usage is something that every home – and really, every community – should be taking steps towards not only here in the United States, but beyond it as well when necessary.

Fortunately, there are a number of alternatives that not only provide high intensity illumination but that allow for energy efficiency as well. Induction lighting is one of them. In fact, the data surrounding induction lighting has even shown that there are as many as 70 lumens per watt, if not even more than that, making high intensity illumination (as well as high efficacy rates) more easy to obtain than ever before.

Methods of induction lighting, which were first pioneered back around the turn of the 20th century, when first invented by Nikola Tesla, are also quite cost efficient. This is due to the fact that they have incredibly long life spans, sometimes lasting for as many as 100,000 hours, if not actually even more than, depending on how frequently this induction lighting is used. So with a long life and and high intensity illumination, it’s clear to see that induction lighting systems can present a viable alternative to the traditional halogen light bulbs that are used so frequently not only in our homes, but in the world that surrounds us as well.

In addition to induction lighting (and often even instead of it), LED light bulbs present another alternative to halogen bulbs, one that can easily provide the high intensity illumination that so many people are looking for. In fact, high intensity illumination is quite easy for LED light bulbs to achieve, as it has been found that they are up to 85% brighter than the standard halogen bulb seen in use today. Aside from putting out high intensity illumination, they are actually able to achieve this high intensity illumination with far less energy usage than the typical halogen bulb, actually using only about 15% of the energy that would be required if a halogen light bulb were in use instead of an LED one.

And LED light bulbs have considerable life spans as well, though these life spans aren’t quite as long as those of the systems of induction lighting that have been discussed above. However, your average LED light bulb can easily last for as many as 50,000 hours, something that is still miles above the average halogen bulb. After all, a typical halogen bulb is actually only likely to last for a comparatively scant 20,000 hours, if even that.

From LED lighting to induction lighting, high intensity illumination with energy conservation has become more possible now than ever before. Saving money while lighting the world is more possible than ever.