Most buildings aside from warehouses or underground facilities have windows in them, from the tallest skyscrapers to the most modest suburban homes. Windows may allow a person to get a view out the outdoors, let in sunlight, or even let in a warm or cool breeze for refreshment. However, windows are an important piece of hardware for any house, and a responsible homeowner will know when it’s time to get home window replacement done courtesy of commercial window installers in their area. The best window companies may install some energy saving windows, for example, and replacement windows may save a homeowner some money in the long run. That, and new windows such as energy saving windows may look attractive and help keep intruders out of the house, too. When is it time to invest in energy saving windows, and how can good windows affect the home’s electric bill?
Windows and Air Management
Just over half of a typical home’s electricity is dedicated to the heating and cooling utility, and this HVAC setup can warm up or cool down a house according to its settings. Normally, a house will reach its intended temperature and the system will shut off for the time being, but a number of problems may interfere with this. For example, the windows or the wall or attic insulation may allow a lot of warm or cool air to escape, meaning that thin insulation or faulty windows force the heating and air conditioning system to work overtime to compensate. The HVAC system will use up extra electricity the entire time, and this will come as an unpleasant surprise when the homeowner gets their next power bill.
If a home’s windows are drafty and ill-fitting, they may leak warm air in winter or cool air in summer, and the same is true of ill-fitting doors as well. As mentioned above, this will overtax the HVAC system and use up extra power, and this constant disruption will also feel uncomfortable to the homeowner as well. What is more, if the windows are bare, then hot sunlight in spring and summer pours into the home and can rapidly warm up a room or the entire house, forcing the air conditioner to work overtime. In winter, a bare glass window may leak warmth, and the heater will be overworked.
Old windows may be a weak point in the home because they may be easier for burglars to force open with tools or even their bare hands, and this is of course a serious security issue. And even if burglars aren’t forcing their way in, old windows may simply look ugly, and the glass may be stained or scratched and the frames may be in bad shape. These old windows will certainly not impress any home buyers who are visiting a house for sale on the real estate market. Therefore, to ease strain on the heating and cooling utility and improve security, energy saving windows and window treatments should be purchased.
Window Upgrades
A concerned homeowner doesn’t have to put up with bad windows for long. He or she may look up local window contractors online, and narrow the search to their home city/town or even their ZIP code such as “good window contractors San Francisco CA” or “window companies in Boston MA” to get started. Or, a local hardware store’s staff may have recommendations as well. A window company may have its own website, complete with articles, videos, and photos showcasing their work.
Once a crew is hired, they may remove the old windows, take measurements, and offer new window models to the homeowner. Such new windows may have tough vinyl frames, or example, or may even have double-layered panes of glass to help reduce the loss of warm or cool air. These energy saving windows are friendly to the home’s HVAC system and electric bill the opposite of how bad windows harm those systems. When the homeowner finds windows that they like, crews will install them with a snug and airtight fit. These windows can save on electricity, resist burglars and vandals, and may look attractive all the while. Meanwhile, blinds and screens can be set up to block hot sunlight in summer, and drapes are decorative and keep warm air inside during winter.