How to Choose the Best Real Estate Agent


The video starts with Kyle from, explaining that he will give guidelines on finding an excellent real estate agent who will represent you well.

He starts by saying the first step to getting a great real estate agent is getting pre-qualified.

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The reason for this is the best realtors tend to have a lot of clients they are working with, and a pre-qualification letter shows that you are serious about buying. This gives them the confidence to attend to you.

Next, he says it’s good practice to ask for great recommendations from close friends. This will give you sufficient info on how the agent operates. He noted that finding out the realtor’s communication style is crucial as you will be working with them for at least 4 weeks.

Kyle doesn’t recommend using a dual agent as conflicts of interest may arise, significantly affecting your negotiating power as a buyer or seller.

Before contacting a realtor, do a quick search of their name on Google. If their name doesn’t come up, that should be a red flag. Kyle stated that a great real estate agent is likely to have a solid online presence. You can find online reviews on platforms like Facebook, Google, Zillow, etc.

Kyle then said that you should always ensure you conduct interviews to find an agent who clicks with you. Look for a real estate agent who is comfortable answering your questions, regardless of how obvious they may seem. He remarked that a great agent has the heart of a teacher.

He finishes by noting that experience doesn’t necessarily translate to being a good agent. Some agents may have 30 years of experience, but their practice is unethical. Refer to the guidelines in the video for the best outcome.