For those who are working as musicians, there is a lot to navigate in the industry. For instance, many musicians are living in apartments or other shared buildings, and thus do not have an ideal place to practice. After all, when you share a wall with someone else, it can be incredibly aggravating for them to listen to your practicing at all hours of the day (and in order to stay sharp and hone their skills, it is, of course, essential for musicians to practice regularly. In fact, this community noise, as it is referred to, has actually been found to have negative health effects, such as heart problems and learning disorders. If community noise regularly rises above forty decibels in your place of living, you too have an increased risk of heart problems and heart disease.
In fact, hearing loss is a common problem for people of all different ages and backgrounds, though the older you are the more pronounced your degree of hearing loss is likely to be. Though some types of hearing loss are genetic and present at birth or related to degenerative conditions, many are caused simply by our all too frequent exposure to loud noises. Excessive exposure – to the point that it leads to hearing loss – to loud noise is common among adults in the United States, as many as fifteen percent of all adults (nearly thirty million people) experiencing high frequency hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises. This exposure to such damaging noise can happen both at work and during leisure activities, and is particularly common among certain careers. Musicians, for interest, are far more likely to experience significant levels of hearing loss than the general population, as they are more frequently exposed to loud noises, especially if they are touring. Of the general population of the United States, one person out of every eight who is above the age of twelve is expected to experience some symptoms of hearing loss and in some cases those symptoms become more and more profound with time.
A musician who has the right practice space, built with acoustic building products, can mitigate some of these unfortunate effects. First, a practice space that is built with acoustic building products such as sound blocking panels and high pressure decorative laminate (among other materials, can become totally soundproof. Soundproofing can be accomplished by filling in air gaps as well as the use of acoustic building products and techniques such as damping and decoupling. This process of soundproofing eliminates community noise and therefore makes it a better place to routinely practice music, without concern of bothering your neighbors in your practice space and during your practice sessions. The use of acoustic building products such as acoustic ceiling materials (commonly acoustic ceiling panels) can also help to improve the quality of your sound. This means that, with better acoustics, you can reduce the overall volume that you typically play at. This is, of course, hugely beneficial for the purpose of preventing hearing loss. Acoustic building products have a number of uses, and can be implemented in a variety of ways in practice spaces geared towards musicians.
Many musicians have even decided to create their own practice space in their home, giving themselves a private place to get away from the world and focus on their music. Using acoustic building products can be particularly beneficial for this space if they have young children, as they will be able to play at any time of the day or even the night without waking up their children from a nap or during the night.