Water is a very important resource in any community, and that’s true even for a modern American suburban homeowner. And it’s not just them; commercial sites such as a bank or school, or a public park or arboretum, have need for commercial water hose of all sorts, such as heavy duty rubber or nylon hoses, flexible water hoses for a garden, and more. Commercial water hoses may also be used for RV trailers and the like, if need be. What is there to know about commercial water hoses? They are mundane and often taken for granted, but it’s possible to buy the wrong hose for a job. A gardener, homeowner, or RV owner is urged to take commercial water hoses seriously when they are looking for their next purchase. They may even find some useful accessories for their commercial water hoses.
On Hoses
A water hose is a very simple concept: a flexible tube that will carry water from a spigot or other source from one end and deposit the contents out the other end. Hoses tend to have caps on one or both ends, so that they can be securely screwed into place on spigots or pumps. Not only that, but a hose’s other end will be metal and have screw threads on it, allowing a user to screw on attachments and nozzles. A simple nozzle allows the user to spray that water in a narrower, more pressurized beam that reaches further than if there were no nozzle. A person may have done this with their thumb before, when they block part of the hose’s end with their thumb to increase the pressure of water through the restricted opening. Even more advanced features such as an upright water spray gun may be attached to the hose, which may have a lever that the user may depress in order to release water. Such spray guns may have a head similar to a shower head.
What about the hoses themselves? They come in a variety of models and materials, and someone looking to buy a commercial water hose should be careful that their new hose fits their needs. Hoses are simple enough, but it’s still possible to buy the wrong kind of hose. A major variable among hoses is their length. These commercial water hoses or garden hoses may be as short as 25 feet in length, or as long as 100 feet, or something in between. The length of hose that someone needs depends on what they are planning to do with it. Watering the entire lawn, for example, may call for a longer hose for a larger lawn. This may also be true if the hose is being used for flowers or shrubs that are far from the house, and the owner would rather use a long hose than a watering can. A 75 or 100 foot long hose may be ideal here. But in other cases, a shorter hose will do just fine, if the lawn is smaller or if the plants to be watered are close to the house.
A shorter hose may also be used for sprinklers or for water-based accessories like filling a water slide or a pool. Man-made items like those can generally be set up anywhere, so the owner may place them closer to the house so that only a shorter hose is needed to reach them.
If someone buys a fairly long hose, they will want to store it properly. Simply tossing a hose onto the floor of their shed may result in tangles, so the owner may find a more creative solution. One idea is to use a wall-mounted hose spool, which may be made of thin metal or sturdy plastic. This spool, once attached to the house’s siding, allows the long hose to be easily wrapped on its body. When the user wants to retrieve that hose, they can hold one end and pull, and the spool allows the hose to unravel.
For RVs, fresh water may be delivered and dirty water may be removed with the use of short, color-coded hoses. Such hoses may even be under 10 feet in length, and may be white or gray in color. No one should drink from them, though.